Organised by the Swedish national data service (SND)
Language: Swedish
In the Government’s Research and Innovation Bill Forskning, frihet, framtid – kunskap och innovation för Sverige (prop. 2020/21:60) (Research, freedom, future – knowledge and innovation for Sweden), the government announces that it wants to see a faster transition to a system of open science. They make it clear that data that have been granted public funding should be made accessible and “as open as possible, as closed as necessary” no later than from 2026. The responsibility for this will be shared by the higher education institutions and research funders alike. The government also notes that it is of great importance that these parties harmonise their principles for open access to research data and publications as far as possible, and emphasise their duty to create incentives to advance open science.
We have five years to go. What do we in the scientific system need to do to help achieve the government’s goal?
Swedish National Data Service (SND) invites you to two open events to discuss the road to accessible research data in 2026.
Step 1: Researchers, research support, reflections
We have invited a panel of researchers to present and discuss their views on the government’s request for accessible research data from 2026. What challenges and needs are they aware of in their respective scientific fields, and in the wider research community? What help and support would they like to see in order to achieve the government’s goal?
It will be possible to ask questions to the panel during the panel session. Afterwards, participants are welcome to join discussion groups to formulate questions to send to funders in preparation of Step 2 of this event (see below), and to suggest possible (partial) solutions.
Target audience
The research data support units (DAU) in higher education institutions in the SND Network.
Date and time: 15 April, 10:00–12:00
Panel: Gustaf Nelhans (HB), Katrine Riklund (UmU), Stacey Sörensen (LU), and Michael Tåhlin (SU). Moderator: Gustav Nilsonne. Presenter: Wilhelm Widmark (SU) will present the SUHF "Nationella färdplan för öppen vetenskap" (Roadmap to open science).