The implications of varroa mites on bee health in Västerbotten
Wednesday 20 November, 2019at 16:00 - 18:00
Glasburen, KBC-building
Varroa mites are currently one of the most serious global threats to honeybees. Originally, varroa mites were only observed in Asia, but during the last century they have spread all over the world. The first European observations of the varroa mites were made 1977 in Southern Germany, and since then they have continued to spread throughout whole Europe, including Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Southern Sweden.
In summer 2019, the first observations of varroa mites were made also in Västerbotten. Based on this, a large action was undertaken to explore the extent of the spread of varroa mites. This workshop aims to summarize the results of this action and to discuss how beekeepers and researchers at Umeå University can collaborate to understand the destructive action of varroa mites and how to minimize their damage of beehives in Northern Sweden.