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The Forest Working Group Meeting

Time Friday 2 December, 2022 at 09:00 - 12:00
Place ZOOM - registration required

The Forest working group meets regularly to share their research on the geopolitics of the forest across art, architecture, political science and landscape ecology. The group are exploring how to develop holistic and interdisciplinary understandings of the human/forest relationship that can represent multiple and conflicting interests. They aim to develop a shared critical space for new collaborative artistic research projects which deal with the ethical complexities of forestry in relation to the climate crisis, to reconsider the language and aesthetics of sustainability.

The workshops investigate multidisciplinary approaches to the human and nonhuman entanglements of the forest in Northern Sweden. This session welcomes Luis Berrios-Negron forthcoming UmArts Postdoc in Art and Architecture with Bildmuseet, along with Lars Östlund, Professor at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management (SLU).

Link to register for remote participation: https://umu.zoom.us/meeting/register/u50rd-yvqTotHdF7N2a9hyYC_DtuNv3LReG8

Organiser: UmArts
Event type: Group meeting
Eleanor Carpenter
Read about Eleanor Carpenter