Elsa Laula symposium November 29, 2019, 13.15 – 17.00 (1:15pm – 5pm) Umeå University, Humanisthuset, Hörsal G
13.15 Introduction, Krister Stoor, Director of Vaartoe – Centre of Sámi Research, Umeå University, Sweden
13.30 Guidelines to Research in Collaboration, Jenny Wik Karlsson, National Sámi Association in Sweden
14.00 Pop Feminism and Ethnicity Queered: Critiques of Colorblind Europe in Sámi Popular Music Videos, Kelsey A. Fuller, University of Colorado, CO, USA 14.30 Coffee break
15.00 Own, "Mixed" and "Borrowed" Songs - The Makings of Diverse Modern Sámi Musical Culture in Finland , Dr. Marko Jouste, University of Oulu, Finland
15.30 Field Recordings and the Commodification of Culture: Can Sound Be Repatriated? Professor emeritus, Richard Jones-Bamman, Eastern Connecticut State University, CT, USA
16.00 Early Sami Play & Games: Sustainability & Peace, Professor John Kilbourne, Grand Valley State University, MI, USA