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The Artificial Intelligence Act: A future-proof AI Regulation?

Time Friday 2 September, 2022 at 12:15 - 13:00
Place Online via Zoom

The European Commission proposed the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) in April 2021, which is currently being negotiated by the European Parliament and the Council. Through the ‘Brussels Effect’, the new legislation is expected to have a lasting global influence as the first global comprehensive regulatory framework on AI. The ambition of the AIA is to set a future-proof standard for AI regulation. In this talk Noah Schöppl, AI-expert at ALLAI scrutinizes this ambition, through the following questions: Where did the AIA come from and what influences the European AI governance process? Is the scope of the AIA future-proof and what are potential loopholes? What consequences (should) follow from classification as a high-risk AI application? Given the real and growing impact AI is having on the lives and rights of people across Europe and around the world, it is critical to separate fact from fiction in the European AI policy process.

Sign up

FrAIday takes place every Friday, 12.15 - 13.00, online via Zoom. Please register here, and we will send you a link in good time before the event open to everyone who is interested in AI!

More about the speaker

Noah Schöppl is a Technology Governance Researcher at ALLAI. Previously he was a researcher at the Bundestag and a visiting researcher at the German Ministry for Education and Research, as well as a member of the Oxford Digital Ethics Lab and a programme lead at the non-profit ProjectTogether.

Event type: Lecture
Tatyana Sarayeva
Read about Tatyana Sarayeva