Monday 22 April until Friday 26 April, 2024at 09:00 - 17:00
Lectures at KBC and laboratory demonstrations at UCEM - Level 5, 6 + new EM building (Level 1), Umeå University
This is a practical course on sample preparation for TEM and includes ultra-microtome sectioning, chemical fixation, plastic embedding, TEM imaging, high-pressure freezing & freeze substitution, immunolabeling techniques (Immunogold, CLEM), volume EM (FIB-SEM & Tomography).
Participants should attend all theoretical and practical parts of the course to receive a certificate of 1,5 hp.
Teachers: Sara Henriksson, Agnieszka Ziolkowska, Narin Mohamad and Linda Sandblad
The course is open to all research students, postdocs and staff.