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Tech Breakfast: Lost Cause - Black Boxes, Blobs, Database and Superstructure

Time Thursday 17 March, 2022 at 08:00 - 10:00
Place ZOOM

Leo Hansson Nilsson is a PhD Student at the Dept. of Media Studies at Stockholm University. At this Tech Breakfast he will present a chapter from his ongoing research project.


Description of the project:

My PhD project will attempt to theorize the "algorimage," or, the algorithmically circulating digital images we interface with on social media platforms. The primary thesis is that the "algorimage" is the dominant image today and should be understood as form of logistics—a particular technology and technics aimed at the movement and realization of subjects and objects as informational value across planetary, networked space-time. By combining a media archaeolgical excavation with a Marxist materialism, I will examine the technical and social infrastructures serving as the algorimage's conditions of possibility. Moreover, I am interested in the algorimage as a form of appearance emergent within the disjunction of the "long crisis" of capitalism—characterized by declining profitability and a shift toward the sphere of circulation since the 1970s—and the rise of a political economy based around the accumulation of information.


Registration and participation

This session is held in ZOOM. Use the form below to register and to receive the link to the meeting.



Organiser: Humlab
Event type: Group meeting
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