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Teaching & Education Day 2023

Time Wednesday 23 August, 2023 at 08:00 - 16:30
Place Folkets hus.

The Teaching & Education Day is aimed for all employees who works with educational issues at the Faculty of Science and Technology and who has an interest in developing the administration, study guidance, teaching and examination in our courses and programmes.

The programme will start at 08.30 and ends at 16.00. Coffee and lunch will be served, even for those who only have the opportunity to participate for half a day.

The first session will be held in English. During the afternoon, an English-language track will be offered that deals with Open-AI and ChatGPT.

KEYNOTE: Generative AI: opportunity or threat?
Arnold Pears, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan

WORKSHOP: Utveckla ditt examinationsformat med tanke på AI och bildning
Oscar Gedda, Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd

Detailed program (In Swedish)

The registration is open May 29 to 29th of June.

Welcome to the 9th Teaching & Education Day!

Event type: Conference
Susanne Vikström
Read about Susanne Vikström