Welcome to the Spring Graduation Ceremony celebrating the University’s jubilee doctors and new doctors.
Umeå University’s academic ceremonies stem from Medieval European academic institutions. The Spring Graduation is one of two academic ceremonies and takes place one day in May each year.
The Spring Graduation Ceremony celebrates the University’s jubilee doctors and new doctors through rituals in Latin or Swedish and with symbols of academic freedom. The Ceremony is open to the public. The audience must be seated by 15:50.
The Spring Graduation Ceremony starts at 16:00 with a procession of guests of honour into the auditorium. On stage, they receive their doctoral insignia from the conferrer. The ceremony takes about 1.5–2 hours.
You can also watch the Spring Graduation Ceremony online. It is broadcast on umu.se/live
Please note: Umeå University photographs and films/live video streams the ceremony to use in their communication. Contact the Communications Office at komm@umu.se or talk to the staff if you have any objection to appearing in such images.