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Skateboard physics on the Arts campus

Time Wednesday 31 May, 2023 at 17:00 - 19:00
Place Curiosum, Arts campus, Östra strandgatan 32

How to do an Ollie, a jump with a skateboard, and what is the science behind the trick?

Our entire world is based on the laws of physics, fun things such as skateboarding is no exception

Take the chance to dive deep into skateboarding physics! Meet Jens Zamanian, who is a physics at Umeå University, and Leo Delgado who is a skateboarder and instructor!

The event combines theory and practice and you choose what to participate in. If you want to try skateboarding, we have some boards and protection to lend you and Leo to help you get started.

The event is free & drop-in, everyone of all ages is welcome.

Meet us outside Curiosum on the artistic campus 17.00-19.00!
In case of rain, we are indoors, at Curiosum. 

Organiser: Curiosum
Event type: Other