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Porträttbild på Stina Bergman Blix, Uppsala universitet

Seminar: Stina Bergman Blix

Time Friday 3 May, 2024 at 10:00 - 12:00
Place HUM.G.211

You are warmly invited to a seminar with Stina Bergman Blix, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University.

Just Emotions – emotional processes of legal decision-making in court

The ideals of objectivity, impartiality and independence make up the foundation of a democratic rule of law and are vital for reproducing public trust in the legal system. However, these ideals are imbued with strong norms of non-emotional rationality that run counter to current knowledge about decision-making processes, begging the question how emotions inform legal decision-making in actual practice. JUSTEMOTIONS is an ongoing research project that explores, with ethnographic methods, the emotive-cognitive processes of legal evaluation and judging in criminal cases in Sweden, Italy, USA and Scotland.

In this talk, I will present some conceptual developments and empirical results from the project, focusing how emotions guide and motivate rational inferences in legal decision making and how legal professionals make independent decisions within a collective social order.

Event type: Seminar
Jeffrey Mitchell
Read about Jeffrey Mitchell