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Seminar: Marvin Brinkmann

Time Wednesday 2 February, 2022 at 13:15 - 15:00
Place Zoom

You are warmly invited to a seminar with Marvin Brinkmann, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim.

The intergenerational transmission of attitudes in neighborhoods

How do ideas and attitudes spread among people? From intergenerational transmission studies, and also from basic reasoning, we believe that children and parents are often very similar in how they behave and particularly what their attitudes are. Using a longitudinal household panel study (the GSOEP which started in 1984, with almost 30.000 respondents per year), I am going to add a neighborhood perspective on the intergenerational attitude approach to look for environmental effects. Hereby, I will concentrate on politically right-wing and xenophobic attitudes and their stability within different generations. This will lead to a closer understanding of intergenerational attitude transmission and the importance of environmental effects

Join Zoom Meeting

The seminar will be held in English and send through zoom. Employees at the department will get the link by e-mail. If you want to participate and are not employed - send an e-mail to paolo.velasquez@umu.se

Event type: Seminar