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Seminar: Lotta Björkman

Time Friday 17 November, 2023 at 08:30 - 09:45
Place https://sh-se.zoom.us/j/69846199943



Presenter: Lotta Björkman, Södertörn University, Sweden

Critical perspectives on normcriticality
It is over 10 years ago that norm-critical perspectives first appeared in a Swedish authority report, Discriminated, harassed, violated (Skolverket, 2009). Since then, the concept has developed in many ways in both Sweden and the Nordic countries. It has, in various forms, gained a large impact in a variety of contexts. At the same time, it has become strongly criticized, mainly in the media debate but also to some extent in a scientific discussion.

This seminar focuses on the scientific critique through three texts:

  • Langmann, Elisabet & Månsson, Niclas (2016). "Att vända blicken mot sig själv: En problematisering av den normkritiska pedagogiken." Pedagogisk Forskning I Sverige 21.1-2

  • Lenz Taguchi, Hillevi (2011). Jämställdhetspedagogiska trender och en introduktion till en rosa pedagogik. I: Lenz Taguchi, Hillevi, Bodén, Linnea, and Ohrlander, Kajsa (red) En rosa pedagogik: Jämställdhetspedagogiska utmaningar. Stockholm: Liber.

  • Qvarsebo, Jonas (2019). The moral regime of norm critical pedagogics – new ways of governing the Swedish pre-school child. Critical Studies in Education, 1-15.

If possible, please, read one of the texts in advance of the seminar.

What’s their focus, how can they contribute to a development of the concept (if they can)? But also (and maybe most important) what may be missing regarding relevant developing critical perspectives? The later question is the focus of the common discussion.




For questions concerning the seminars,
please contact Lotta Björkman:

Shifting Grounds

Shifting Grounds brings Nordic/international scholars of norm criticality together to advance the theoretical framework and concepts for thinking and practising norm criticality in academic work across disciplines. Our common aim and interest is to, through theoretical inquiry, provide a new language and ground for addressing social injustices.

Event type: Seminar