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Seminar in Mathematical Modelling and Analysis - Adrián Llinares

Time Wednesday 4 October, 2023 at 15:30 - 16:15
Place MIT.A.346

This week's seminar in seminar in Mathematical Modelling is given by Adrián Llinares, Umeå university.

Title: On Wolff’s theorem for Békollé-Bonami weights

Abstract: In a famous but unpublished preprint, Wolff characterized the restrictions of Muckenhoupt Ap weights to subsets of the unit circle. In this seminar, we will show a way to extend this theorem to Békollé-Bonami weights. These families of weights could be understood as an analogous version of the Ap classes for the disk, although they are in general more ill-behaved. All of the tools, definitions, similarities and differences will be introduced, so it will be a (mostly) self-contained talk.

Event type: Seminar
Antti Perälä
Read about Antti Perälä