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RiseB seminar: A future beyond growth, with Eléonore Fauré (KTH)

Time Tuesday 30 March, 2021 at 13:15 - 14:30
Place Zoom

What would a future beyond economic growth mean for business and organization research and practice?

Welcome to this informal discussion with Eléonore Fauré (PhD) who will present four future scenarios from the FORMAS funded research programme ”Beyond GDP-growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning” (2014-2019). The aim of the programme was to investigate, with the help of future scenarios, what could happen to Swedish society when growth is not seen as an end in itself, but when the focus is instead on meeting sustainability goals.

For more information: www.bortombnptillvaxt.se

Contact Maxim (below) about Zoom link to the seminar.

Event type: Seminar

Speaker: Eléonore Fauré (KTH)

Maxim Vlasov
Read about Maxim Vlasov