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Remembering Activism: Exploratons in the memory-activism nexus

Time Friday 1 November, 2024 at 14:30 - 16:00
Place Online via Zoom

Join us for an online celebration of the launch of Remembering Activism: Exploratons in the memory-activism nexus, the October 2024 special issue of the Memory Studies Journal (17:5).

The special issue contains an editorial, twelve research articles and a closing commentary from an interdisciplinary team of authors that together discuss an array of case studies covering diverse contemporary and historical activist causes from across the political spectrum (from climate rebels to anti-vaxxers), and with ties to different communities (from diaspora groups to occupiers) and different generations (from 68 student protestors to those of Gen Z). They also reveal the influence that several other actors besides activists have within the memory-activism. Whether these be police or security agencies, market actors, cultural forms and media affordances, or the algorithms that influence the workings of social media platforms and databases, it is clear that activist memory work operates in a complex field of different forces.

To read the special issue visit:

To hear more about its content from the authors themselves and to contribute to the ongoing academic debate surrounding the memory-activism nexus and its future study please register below.

The launch event, organised by Samuel Merrill and Ann Rigney as part of a collaboration between Utrecht University’s ReAct Project (www.rememberingactivism.eu) and Umeå University’s Department of Sociology and Centre for Digital Social Research will be take place on Zoom.

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Event type: Other
Samuel Merrill
Read about Samuel Merrill