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Reducing Emissions Through Forest Management

Time Wednesday 21 February, 2024 at 13:30 - 14:30
Place Fatmomakke, NBET

Reducing Emissions Through Forest Management – Multisectoral Collaboration in Ghana


What does the forest mean to us, to society and to our culture? The forest is a part of society, but society is also a part of the forest. What questions do we need to ask to better understand this relationship?

At this lecture, as a part of the Forest Social Lecture Series, our lecturer is is Misharch Kwadwo Osei, Doctoral student at the Department of Political Science at Umeå University. The topic is "Multi-sectoral Collaboration Within Ghana’s REDD+ Policy Process: Explorative Analysis of how Context Influences the Success of Collaboration". 

After the lecture, there will be time for questions, discussion and fika.


Please register by sending an e-mail to Janina Priebe.
Subject line: Forest Social Feb 21


Fatmomakke, Northern Behavioural Sciences House (NBET), level 4. 
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Forest Social

Forest Social is a lecture series hosted by Future Forests. The series is for all students from SLU and Umeå University. It aims to inspire interdisciplinary perspectives on the forest and explore the relationships between forests and society.

Event type: Lecture
Janina Priebe
Read about Janina Priebe