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Queer futures of AI? Possibilities, constraints, and risks

Time Thursday 1 February, 2024 at 10:00 - 15:30
Place Humlab

In this event we gather scholars in AI, digital humanities, and gender and queer studies, for a trans-disciplinary dialogue about queer perspectives on development and implementations of AI, and what possibilities, constraints and risk, that likely, and possible, AI futures may entail.

Previous research have highlighted several problems with AI from gender- and queer perspectives including issues of identity, privacy, surveillance, bias and fairness (see e.g. Scheuerman et al., 2019; Ashwin et al., 2021 ; Danielsson et al forthcoming). Drawing on such insights, Liliequist and collegues (2023) argue that queer theory can be used to identify where risks may arise, and to find new ways of building AI technologies and systems for an inclusive futures. In this event the aim is to both make space for queer theoretical dialogues, but also to actively explore how queer perspectives can contribute to AI studies and development.

During the event invited scholars will make a short presentation with their take on the conference theme in relation to previous, ongoing or coming research. The event will culminate in a special “Film Friday” session, featuring Dr. Josefine Wälivaara, a Ph.D. in drama-theatre-film. Dr. Wälivaara will introduce and showcase a selection of queer AI representations in TV series and movies. And, of course, popcorn will be served!

For program and registration 


Organizer: Humlab
Event type: Conference
Evelina Liliequist
Read about Evelina Liliequist