Registration from 09:00 Programme: 09:30–17:00 Rotundan, Universum, Umeå University
Dieter Muller, professor and deputy Vice-Chancellor, Umeå University This seminar will be held in English
Keynote speaker
Professor Greg Halseth, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Paper presentations part 1: Economic perspectives on northern development
The effects of a large industrial investment on employment in a remote and sparsely populated area using a synthetic control approach Evans Korang Adjei, Rikard Eriksson and Johan Lundberg
Local Social Capital and performance of senior entrepreneurs in Sweden Marcin Rataj and Heike Mayer
☕Coffee break
Cars and Climate Change: The return of the Electric Vehicle Mattias Näsman and Grace Ballor
Employment interdependencies between the public sector and the mining and manufacturing industries. The case of Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties Evans Korang Adjei, Rikard Eriksson and Johan Lundberg
Paper presentations part 2: Development in place
Left before Places Nils Björling, Malin Rönnblom and David Scott
🍽️ Lunch
Starting a PhD project on planning for green industrial investments and sustainable communities in northern Sweden Moa Hedström
Proactive ageing in an Arctic context Magnus Zingmark
Paper presentations part 3: Visions of northern development
Back to the colonial (land of the) future? Settler colonial ideas and re-industrialisation in Sápmi Åsa Össbo
☕Coffee break
Logics of Competition: The Forming of Opinion in the Bid for a Green Mega Investment Madeleine Eriksson, Evelina Liliequist, and Anna Sofia Lundgren
The media industry’s mobilisation and discourses of a sustainable Swedish North: journalism in transition Annika Egan Sjölander, Mikaela Wikström and Moa Eriksson Krutrök