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Open Research Meeting: Research Funding

Time Thursday 6 December, 2018 at 12:30 - 14:00
Place Lindellhallen and Hörsal A i Samhällsvetarhuset

Welcome to listen to the first lections from 12.30 to 14.00. You can also follow the lections on the website:


11.30 Mingle and lunch, Lindellhallen
12.30 3rd Open Research Meeting - Research Funding, Hörsal A
- The importance of external funding to Umeå University and strategies to support research, Prof Katrine Riklund (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
- Insights into the Scientific Council for Medicine and Health Prof Helena Edlund
- Insights into the Committee for Clinical Therapy Research Prof Beatrice Melin
- Research Professional – how to find funding opportunities Anders Wennström, Grants Office

Organiser: Faculty of Medicine
Event type: Other
Anna Arnqvist Björklund
Read about Anna Arnqvist Björklund