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Open call: Symposium on Artistic Research 2024

Time Saturday 1 June until Sunday 2 June, 2024 at 00:00 - 01:00
Place Arts Campus

Open Call: Hurricanes and Scaffolding - Symposium on Artistic Research, 4 - 6 December 2024

This year the Swedish Research Council Symposium on Artistic Research explores the dynamic interplay between more-than-human forces and culturally resilient structures. Drawing inspiration from Nora N. Khan's contrasting concepts of "hurricanes and scaffolding" as developed in her essay "Towards a Poetics of Artificial Super Intelligence", we invite researchers in the field of art to identify the frameworks, practices, perspectives and themes that art can bring to the broader discourses of society, environment, technology and politics.

The symposium is organised in close collaboration with UmArts, Umeå University, and offers a platform for participation and engagement where different kinds of contributions together may enrich a critical and creative dialogue on artistic research.

We welcome proposals for presentations, panels, exhibitions or performances that can take the artistic knowledge development further.

Submission Guidelines

The symposium will allow for five different types of presentations:

  • Lecture: 15 minute oral presentation of ongoing or completed research.
  • Conversation: Presentation and discussion of research in an interactive session with other researchers with a similar focus.
  • Show-and-Tell: Presentation based on some kind of artefact describing your research process.
  • Posters: Presentation of ongoing or completed research in the form of a poster (or similar).
  • Other: If you have another proposal for a presentation format, please submit an abstract describing what you want to do.
  • Film: Present your research with a film screening in our film session.

You will be asked to submit the following:

  • Short abstract of max 150 words.
  • Extended abstract about 500 words. Free layout in pdf-format, oxford style of referencing, with complementary materials (e.g. video) provided as url.

A selection of accepted submissions will be invited to publish extended versions in a special issue in the artistic research journal Parse.

Please visit link to submit your proposal.

Important dates

1 June 2024 - deadline for submission. Submission via link.

26 June 2024 - Notification of acceptance.

15 September 2024 - Detailed programme announced.

25 November 2024 - Deadline for registration.

4 - 6 December 2024 - Conference in Umeå

Practical information

  • Participation in the symposium is free of charge.
  • For climate reasons we recommend travelling by train, please see SJ.se.


Event type: Conference
Clara West
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