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Promoting strong research areas at Umeå university – Strategic Discussion

Time Monday 13 November, 2023 at 09:00 - 10:30
Place Triple Helix

How can we best support renewal and growth of strong research areas? When the Vice-Chancellor recently selected three prioritised research areas slated for extra funding over a five-year period, the decision also contained an element of supporting cooperation and development work to promote the emergence of new areas and  future centres of excellence. Join the discussion on how best to achieve this! At an event on 13 November, you can be inspired by Martin Rosvall, whose IceLab was one of 15 recipients in the Swedish Research Council's excellence initiative, and share your own ideas and experiences for the work going forward.

Content? Presentation by Martin Rosvall, IceLab, followed by discussion. 
Invited? Researchers and other interested staff at Umeå university.

The invitation is done on behalf of pro-vice-chancellor Katrine Riklund och and deputy vice-chancellor Dieter Müller.


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Organiser: Planning Office
Event type: Seminar