Network meeting for International Contact Persons (IKP)
Friday 10 December, 2021at 13:00 - 14:30
Welcome to a network meeting for international contact persons, on Friday 10 December. The theme will be Erasmus + with a special focus on Erasmus without paper (EWP) and Brexit.
The meeting will be held via Zoom. Link will be sent out the day before the meeting.
The network meeting for international contact persons (IKP) is to enable exchange and networking between IKP at different departments but also between IKP and the International Office.
The meeting starts at 13.00 and lasts until 14.30. More information will be sent to all registered no later than the day before. You are warmly welcome to sign up below. If you have questions that you wish to be addressed, please write them in the sign up form under "other".