Municipal strategies for green industry – case of Skellefteå
Thursday 2 November, 2023at 15:15 - 16:30
Political agreements in the sustainability field drive societal transformation. A central part of this is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The EU has developed strategies to achieve economic competitiveness, ecological sustainability, and a fair society – policies that are of great importance for the ongoing industrial investments taking place in northern Sweden, which often are referred to as investments in green industrialization.
However, these green industrial initiatives do not mean that the environment is not impacted, as establishing new industrial facilities involves the exploitation of large land areas. This gives rise to goal conflicts in terms of "green versus green." EU support is directed towards net-zero industries and pays less attention to regional cohesion and equalization.
Competency supply and immigration, strengthening the attractiveness of a location, and creating good living environments, are examples of important social functions that pose challenges for societal transformation. The responsibility for this largely lies with the municipalities, but how can they mobilize society's resources to succeed with these establishments? What strategies and initiatives are important?
Northvolt's establishment of a battery factory in Skellefteå is a hot topic which exemplifies this. The establishing process is radical, both in terms of it being a new business establishment in an emerging industry sector, and due to the many job opportunities that it is expected to create. Here, the capacity for local mobilization is put to the test.
Brita Hermelin is a professor of cultural geography at Linköping University. Her research focuses on governance, collaboration, and strategic planning for local and regional development, growth, and transformation. She is also affiliated with the Center for Municipal Strategic Studies (CKS).