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Morteza Abdipour, Industrial Design

Time Wednesday 10 March, 2021 at 14:00 - 18:00
Place Project Studio, Umeå Institute of Design.

Candidate: Morteza Abdipour
Thesis title: Arrangement Design Studies– the introduction of the digital wall in domestic environments

Description: The thesis explores a probable future scenario of our homes. The research focuses on the emergence of ‘digital walls’ that can project images onto almost all or even the entirety of interior (and perhaps exterior) walls, and what implications this might have for how we arrange our rooms. I applied research through design and the constructive design research approaches to frame the design research methodology. The main contribution of this research is to understand the forms of arrangement changes when people use the digital wall in homes. The research demonstrates two significant implications that are seen in two forms of arrangements: tangible arrangement and imperceptible arrangement. These findings are useful for both designers and users of the elements of domestic contexts and the relations that can be shaped by the presence of a digital wall in home environments.

Prof. Erik Stolterman (UID, Umeå University)
Prof. Mikael Wiberg (Dept. informatics, Umeå University)
Grading committee:
Dr. Hamed Alavi (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Dr. Maria Göransdotter (UID, Umeå University),
Dr. Anna Croon (Dept. Informatics, Umeå University)

For Public Participation via Zoom please send a request to: participation.uid@umu.se

Event type: Licentiate Thesis