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Minimal hyperplane covers of finite spaces and applications

Time Thursday 15 September, 2022 at 14:15 - 15:15
Place MIT.B.372

At least how many hyperplanes are needed to cover the finite space $\mathbb{F}_p^{n}$ if we require that the normal vectors of the hyperplanes span the whole space, and none of the hyperplanes is redundant? This question is related to a number of long-standing conjectures in linear algebra and group theory, such as the Alon-Jaeger-Tarsi conjecture on non-vanishing linear maps, the Additive Basis conjecture, and a conjecture of Pyber about irredundant coset covers. I will talk about some progress on this question, which in particular leads to a solution of the first conjecture in a strong form, makes substantial progress on the second conjecture, and fully resolves the third conjecture. This is based on a joint work with Janos Nagy and Peter Pal Pach.

Event type: Seminar
Istvan Tomon
Associate professor
Read about Istvan Tomon
Victor Falgas Ravry
Read about Victor Falgas Ravry