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Medchem Seminar Series - Andrea G. Vincent, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Time Tuesday 28 November, 2023 at 15:15 - 16:00
Place KB.E3.01 (Lilla hörsalen), KBC-building


Andrea G. Vincent

Biology Department, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica


Effects of warming on a high elevation tropical grassland

Short description: In early 2020 we set up a passive warming experiment in Chirripó National Park, Costa Rica, using Open Top Chambers (OTCs). The ecosystem is a páramo, a high elevation tropical grassland similar in many ways to an arctic tundra. In this talk I will summarize preliminary results on the effects of warming on soil carbon and nutrient biogeochemistry and microbial thermal traits. I will also introduce other study systems we are currently working on in Costa Rica which may be of interest for establishing scientific collaborations.


Event type: Seminar

Andrea G. Vincent

Biology Department, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Jurgen Schleucher
Read about Jurgen Schleucher