Guest: Nuno Marques (post-doc KTH). Banzeiro — living in the abyss — staying with the trouble — turbulência.
In my research I work with breathing and suffocation in Ibero-American ecopoetry and the examples of complex cultural constructions of nature and environment that they show. I have been struggling with a question that I will bring to the seminar: “How to engage with and write about the breathing spaces these breathings and suffocations create, these in betweens, these areas of exchange?
In a way, my project is also in one of these places: it is research of ecopoetry and ecopoetics with and at an environmental humanities laboratory at a technological institution; it is research presented mostly in English, although sometimes in Portuguese and, fewer times, in Spanish, about ecopoetry and ecopoetics written and performed in Portuguese and Spanish languages in the Ibero-American geographies.
I find we can draw conclusions, inspiration and methodological tools to work in this in between from banzeiro, the term by Brazilian journalist Eliane Brum; and from indigenous leader Aïlton Krenak’s living in the abyss, which relate to Haraway’s staying in the trouble or to turbulência (turbulence) as proposed by the Portuguese artist Teresa Castro.
During this talk I will present my current research and discuss the question above, although without conclusion.
The presentation will finish with the nuts and bolts of my postdoc application for the PhD students attending the seminar.