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JUSTNORTH: Towards Just Sustainable Development in the Arctic

Time Friday 17 March, 2023 at 13:15 - 15:00
Place SAM.A.371

Towards Just Sustainable Development in the Arctic: Objectives & Outcomes of JUSTNORTH

Are you interested in just sustainable development in the Arctic? At this seminar, The Department of Geography invites Corine Wood-Donnelly, Associate professor at Nord University, Norway, and one of the principal investigators of the EU-funded climate action project JUSTNORTH. She will present the project and its objectives, and discuss some of its outcomes.

The Arctic region has long been framed by potential for economic opportunities, and in recent years this has been suggested as a development critical for the green transition. The EU-funded climate action project JUSTNORTH is exploring the ways in which the multitude of value systems that coexist in the Arctic can be used as a critical element for assessing the viability of new economic activities in the region. The project's aim is to assess the viability of new economic development in the Arctic seeking to expand understanding of the potential for economic development in the North that is both sustainable and just. This presentation will discuss the objectives of the project, and present some of the early and anticipated outcomes of the research activities.

More information about JUSTNORTH: https://justnorth.eu/

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Event type: Seminar

Corine Wood-Donnelly
Read about Corine Wood-Donnelly