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En illustration som visar två sidor av AI. En ond sida och en god sida.

Is AI the bane or the hero of Open Science?

Time Tuesday 18 February, 2025 at 14:45 - 15:45
Place UB339

Come meet with other researchers for a roundtable discussion on the impacts of AI on Open Science. What can be done to harness its powers for the benefit of all? How do we best avoid the pitfalls inherent in AI?

We offer some cookies but please bring your own coffee. No registration needed. We will be located in UB339 (view map). A warm welcome!

About Open Science Community Umeå

Open Science Community Umeå (OSCU) aspires to be a platform where researchers, academic professionals, and students can meet, discuss, collaborate and act. We strive to support a research culture that encourages openness, collaboration, reproducibility, and accountability at Umeå university.

Open Science Community Umeås website

Event type: Group meeting