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The Iron Age residence in Uppåkra - new interpretations and initiatives

Time Thursday 27 April, 2023 at 13:00 - 15:00
Place HUM.H.119 (HD108)

The Research Seminar Series in Archaeology and Environmental archaeology invites you to a seminar with Professor Mats Roslund, Professor in Historical Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University. Professor Roslund will speak on the topic of "The Iron Age residence in Uppåkra - new interpretations and initiatives".

Abstract: The Uppåkra central site outside Lund in Skåne has been known since 1934. However, it was not until the mid-1990s that major investigations were undertaken. At that time, the 40ha area was demarcated and the boundaries, as identified, indicated the extent of the settlement. The ‘cult house’ that was investigated in 2003-2005 highlighted the importance of this location. Subsequently, parts of the hall building were investigated between 2022 and 2026, and these form the focus of the research. Together with commissioned archaeological investigations in the immediate area, Uppåkra begins to take on a clearer outline as the seat of rulership in a wealthy settlement. The lecture provides a background to the location and raises hypotheses about the background to the establishment of power and the continued economic and social resilience of the site.

About the seminar series

The Research Seminar Series in Archaeology and Environmental Archaeology presents and discusses current research in archaeology and environmental archaeology.
See more upcoming seminars in the series

Event type: Seminar