Implementing AI in a corporation – the good, the bad and the odd
Friday 27 November, 2020at 12:15 - 13:00
Online, via Zoom
Salla Franzen, Chief Data Scientist at SEB
It is very tempting to focus on well-known examples of bad, scary and sometimes unintentionally funny implementations of AI systems. While these may serve as examples of what not to do, it is even more important to really understand how to avoid as many pitfalls as possible when implementing AI systems in a company. Systems that have some degree of autonomy in decisioning require us to ensure that the system adheres to norms and values, whatever this means.
This will be less of a presentation and more of a virtual discussion on how to identify relevant norms and values, how to increase awareness of ethical aspects of AI systems and what tools we can use to ensure as ethical and robust AI systems as possible.
#frAIday is a series of inspiring talks on artificial intelligence. Welcome to participate, please register here