IceLab Lunch Pitch: Iker Aramburu and Martin Rosvall
Wednesday 12 February, 2025at 12:00 - 13:00
KBC Glasburen
The Integrated Science Lab invites you to join the conversation at the first Lunch Pitch of the season. Iker Valle Aramburu will give a pitch about the dark microproteome, and Martin Rosvall will encourage you to submit projects for the IceLab multidisciplinary postdoctoral project call.
Join the conversation - everyone is welcome!
To encourage cross pollination of ideas between researchers from different disciplines, IceLab hosts interdisciplinary research lunches with the vision of allowing ideas to meet and mate. During the Lunch Pitch Season, the creative lunches take place at KBC (Glasburen) on a Wednesday.
Register to come to the pitch and reserve your lunch by Monday, 10 February at 10am.
Pitch 1: Iker Valle Aramburu, Research Fellow, Department of Molecular Biology, MIMS
Exploring the dark microproteome in innate immunity
Genome annotation, transcriptomic, and proteomic pipelines have traditionally dismissed proteins encoded by short open reading frames (sORF) known as microproteins. Despite the increasing body of work in identifying the microproteome in different model organisms and cell lines, only a few have been functionally studied showing diverse regulatory roles in multiple cellular pathways. This provides a pool of unexplored functional genes.
We are working on identifying and characterizing the molecular function of microproteins in innate immune cells combining computational and experimental approaches. Our efforts aim to reveal the tissue- and context-specific expression and function of microproteins in innate immune cells during infection with different pathogens. The integration and modelling of our data with the current knowledge on the innate immune response will help improve our understanding of immune processes and potentially lead to better outcomes for immune-related pathologies.
Interested in: Collaborations.
Pitch 2: Martin Rosvall, Professor, Department of Physics and IceLab
The IceLab multidisciplinary postdoctoral project call
With financial support from Kempestiftelserna, we invite applications from multidisciplinary teams representing different departments at Umeå University or SLU for research projects that require novel collaboration across disciplines and methodologies. Three teams will be awarded funding to cover one 2-year postdoctoral fellowship and running and recruitment costs. Martin will present IceLab and the multidisciplinary project call during this pitch.
Interested in: Encouraging you to put a multidisciplinary project together and submit it to the call.
Where is it?
KBC Glasburen, near the KBC café. Find your way to the venue (mazemap link)
IceLab Lunch Pitches are made possible through funding from KBC for the venue and lunches and from Stress Response Modeling at IceLab for their coordination.