Humlab Talk: Ethical dilemmas in researching digital parenting
Thursday 25 February, 2021at 13:15 - 15:00
In this Humlab Talk Sonia Livingstone, Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Media and Communications, London school of Economics and Political Science will address ethical dilemmas in researching digital parenting.
In her recent book, Parenting for a Digital Future, Livingstone argues that digital parenting has become highly fraught because it acts as a lightning rod for the many societal challenges faced by families in recent years, now exaccerbated by the pandemic. The book is based on in depth qualitative work with families as they navigate a changing digital world, and as such it raised a series of ethical dilemmas for us as researchers, as well as revealing some of the ethical dilemmas for parenting practices. In her talk, Livingstone will weave together an account of these dilemmas faced by both families and researchers, thereby addressing some broader questions about the digital present and future.
About the speaker
Sonia Livingstone is a professor in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Taking a comparative, critical and contextualised approach, her research examines how the changing conditions of mediation are reshaping everyday practices and possibilities for action. Much of Sonia’s time these days is concerned with Children’s rights in the digital age.
Registration & participation
This session is held in ZOOM and to participate you will need to register. Sign up using the form below to recieve a link to the meeting.