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Humlab HITS: VidAngel among Demons: Religion, Video Filtering, and U.S. Copyright Laws

Time Thursday 17 October, 2019 at 13:15 - 14:00
Place Humlab

Gavin Feller, Humlab, presents an upcoming research project on video filtering:

"Recently, a U.S. court case found VidAngel—a Mormon-owned video filtering company—to be in violation of copyright law. VidAngel was fined several million dollars for removing objectional content from DVDs that were later streamed at a cost to subscribers of its service. I am interested in the religious ideologies that influence VidAngel as a company, its subscribers, and the larger video filtering industry. The legal implications of emerging technologies, such as streaming, and copyright is a popular topic. However, very few have sought to understand the role of religion as a driving force."


About Humlab HITS

The seminars in Humlab HITS have the character of informal round table discussions, where the participants are persons employed in or affiliated with Humlab - or people interested in digital humanities and who want to be part of the network. 

The elements of Humlab HITS have different character and content: workshops on research applications, presentation and discussion of texts that are work-in-progress or conversations around the table about research and research methods in the digital humanities.

Organiser: Humlab
Event type: Seminar
Jon Svensson
Read about Jon Svensson
Evelina Liliequist
Read about Evelina Liliequist