Hugo Hellström: Expressivism about knowledge attributions
Wednesday 29 May, 2024at 13:15 - 15:00
HUM.H.119 (HD108)
The Research Seminar Series in Philosophy invites you to a seminar with Hugo Hellström, ”Expressivism about knowledge attributions".
What is the meaning of knowledge attributions? Standard views state that they are descriptive: “Alice knows that it’s raining” attributes a mental state to Alice. Knowledge attributions, however, are normative (or so many claim), and non-descriptive theories are prima facie plausible for other areas of normative discourse. Epistemic discourse relatively underexplored from this point of view. I will present various suggested expressivist theories and discuss some objections to them (most accounts are little more than suggestions). I will also discuss various motivations for why one would want to be an expressivist about knowledge attributions. I will tentatively conclude that those expressivist theories which more resemble orthodox epistemic discourse within philosophy seem least promising, and that more radical theories handle common objections better.
All interested are welcome to participate in this seminar.