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How cells eat themselves: new insights by new chemical approaches

Time Saturday 20 October, 2018 at 10:40 - 11:00
Place Humanities Building, Lecture Hall F

Chemical reactions form the basis for all living biological systems. The ability to visualise and model reactions is of great importance in the understanding of molecular mechanisms. In his research, Yaowen Wu has developed new chemical tools to achieve this goal. The tools can enable the discovery of new mechanisms in the biological system, but also to facilitate diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Yaowen Wu will be installed as a professor of biochemistry specialised in synthetic protein chemistry at the Annual Celebration Ceremony on 20 October at 17:00 in Aula Nordica.

Organiser: Umeå University
Event type: Lecture
Staff photo Yaowen Wu
Yaowen Wu
Read about Yaowen Wu