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EKG-kurva med ett hjärta, äpple och handslag

Health on Campus 13 februari

Time Tuesday 13 February, 2024 at 08:00 - 17:00
Place Campus area and surroundings

Health on campus is part of an investment in health and wellness at Umeå University. The event aims to inspire and motivate students and employees at Umeå University to physical activity at the same time as providing increased knowledge about physical activity and health.

The day offers a free activities and lectures on the subject of physical activity and health.

Of course, all activities and lectures are free of charge. More information and programs for the day can be found here.

Award ceremony - Årets Elitidrottsstudent 2023

In connection with Health on Campus, we start the lectures in Aula Nordica by awarding the Elite Sports Student of the Year! The prize is awarded to a student who successfully combines academic studies at Umeå University with an elite sports venture, the person is also a good role model for today's and future elite sports students.

Who is receiving the award? You will find out at 11:20 in Aula Nordica.

Photography during Health on Campus

Umeå University photographs and films/live video streams this event to use the images and films in their communications.

Umeå University may use the images/films in their communication and social media channels. Contact the Umeå School of Sport Sciences at pernilla.eriksson@umu.se or talk to the staff if you have any objection to appearing in such images.

Event type: Other
Pernilla Eriksson
Read about Pernilla Eriksson