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Golnaz Amjadi Torshizi - Economics

Time Friday 27 November, 2020 at 10:00 - 12:00
Place Zoom möte - Hörsal A, Samhällsvetarhuset

Golnaz Amjadi Torshizi, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics is publicly defending her doctoral thesis with the title: Essays on energy efficiency, environmental regulation and labor demand in Swedish industry


Faculty opponent: Professor Luis Orea, Oviedo University, Spain

Given the current covid-19 situation and recommendations, digital participation is encouraged. Join Zoom Meeting: https://umu.zoom.us/j/68518338277?pwd=dmw1djhwcmRXMlZkS1YrUy9jOWUvQT09 Meeting ID: 685 1833 8277 Passcode: 895961 The chair for the session

Runar Brännlund can be reached by phone 070-5699086. For more covid-19 related information, see Umeå university web page, https://www.umu.se/en/covid-19/

Event type: Defence of doctoral thesis