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From Cambro to Canvas – experiences from a Canvas pilot (in Swedish)

Time Thursday 11 June, 2020 at 12:00 - 13:00
Place Zoom

Many of us are facing the switch to the learning platform Canvas. A switch that can feel both fun and difficult. In this seminar Anna-Lill Drugge will talk about how she has switched from Cambro to Canvas and the challenges and opportunities she has come across. She will share things to think about before, during and after the course and will also show some of the new functions and tools in Canvas that she has used in her teaching.

Last day to register: 15.00, 10 June.

Register to a seminar.

Teaching in the time of Covid-19 – challenges, possibilities and experiences. A seminar series that focuses on the adaptation to online teaching. All seminars take place in Zoom at 12-13. You will receive the link to the Zoom meeting the same day as we hold the seminar.

Event type: Seminar