#frAIday: Robotics Technologies and their Benchmarking at International Competitions
Friday 16 August, 2024at 12:15 - 13:00
Zoom / Galaxen, Universum
International robotics competitions bring together the research community to solve real-world, current problems such as drilling in aircraft manufacturing (Airbus Shopfloor Challenge), warehouse automation (Amazon Robotics Challenge), and convenience store automation (Future Convenience Store Challenge). In this talk, I will discuss our approach to these competitions and describe the technical difficulties, design philosophy, development, lessons learned, and remaining challenges. In particular, I will talk about the Future Convenience Store Challenge, whose goal is to create an autonomous robot to remove expired products and place new products on convenience store shelves, including temporarily stopping work when a customer requires a product from the shelf operated by the robot, and the decision-making process behind this system, as well as our latest research on decision-making using Large Language Models.
#frAIday hybrid The talk will be held on Zoom from Japan. You can participate via the link or watch the lecture in Galaxen at Umeå University, which is reserved for all autumn #frAIday talks regardless of where the speaker is broadcasting from. Welcome!
Gustavo Garciareceived his PhD degree from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, in 2016. He is currently an Associate Professor at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. He leads research projects and teams in international robotics competitions (Airbus Shopfloor Challenge 2016, Amazon Robotics Challenge 2017, and Future Convenience Store Challenge 2018-2023). His research interests include human safety, human-robot interaction, manipulation, and task planning.