About The aim of this activity is to provide a space for dialogue and discussion on AI from a transdisciplinary perspective. Who is looking for collaboration partners? What are the prerequisites for transdisciplinary AI? What are the examples? Are there any new developments in the field worth sharing? The questions can, but do not need to be, related to the preceding frAIday talk.
The activity takes place in Jupiter, Galaxen, and is for anyone interested in learning more about collaborations in transdisciplinary AI, regardless of experience. The conversation will be held in English.
Registration No registration is needed, but please contact us if you have any allergies regarding fika.
Moderators TAIGA Postdocs Niclas Hell, Michel Rouleau-Dick, Burcin Genis-Ergün.
About TAIGA TAIGA was established in the autumn of 2022 and is part of Umeå University's initiative in the field of AI. The centre brings together researchers who are particularly interested in applications of AI and its consequences on society in various disciplines, i.e., AI research that takes into account ethical, legal, technical, cultural, and social aspects.
Previous Fireside talk Read more about the previous Fireside talk here.