Welcome to a seminar with Professor Maureen Reed, School of Environment and Sustainability, UNESCO Co-Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation and Renewal, University of Saskatchewan and Professor Camilla Sandström. Department of Political Science, UNESCO Chair on Biosphere Reserves as labs for societal transformation – followed by a panel discussion.
13.15–13.20 Introduction, Professor Gregory Neely, Pro-Dean of the Social Science Faculty.
13.20–13.30 Biosphere Reserves as labs for societal transformation, Camilla Sandström.
13.30–14.15 Key note: Transforming Research Practice through Transdisciplinary Partnerships, Professor Maureen Reed, School of Environment and Sustainability, UNESCO Co-Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation and Renewal, University of Saskatchewan Distinguished Professor.
Successful knowledge co-creation can lead to policies and practices that truly embrace local diversity, values, and worldviews, while engaging with communities in more meaningful ways to address sustainability challenges. However, traditional research systems often favor Western academics as the sole gatekeepers of knowledge. In her keynote, Professor Maureen Reed addresses this challenge. She highlights how collaborative efforts between community partners and organizations, under the auspice of the UNESCO Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation, and Renewal at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, have crafted a dynamic set of research principles for those engaged in transdisciplinary sustainability science. She identifies challenges they have faced in having these principles recognized by other scholars and suggests changes needed in institutional norms and in student training to embed the value of transdisciplinary scholarship in academia.
14.15–15.15 Panel discussion on principles to foster interactive knowledge production.
Moderator: Dieter Müller
Marja-Kristin Skum, Vindelälven-Juhttátahkka Biosphere reserve, Gran Reindeer Herding Community and Truth commission for the Sami people.
Jon Moen, professor and project leader ReaL research and leadership program.
Maureen Reed, professor.
Camilla Sandström professor.
Maria Hedblom, CEO World Forest Forum. CEO World Forest Forum.
Johan Wester, senior analyst, Skogsstyrelsen/senior advisor Swedish Forest Agency.