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FabLab Sliperiet

Time Wednesday 21 November, 2018 at 17:00 - 21:00
Place Tullmagasinet, Västra Strandgatan 9

FabLab is small-scale workshop, a digital Fabrication Lab with a variety of manufacturing and prototyping tools such as 3D printers, digital textile printer, sewing machines, laser cutters and software for prototyping.

FabLab Umeå is, from October 24th and approximately a year ahead, arranged in Sliperiet’s workshops at Tullmagasinet, Västra Strandgatan 9 (the entrance opposite the small red brick building, the electrical substation, at Skeppsbron’s parking lot). We are open on Wednesdays during public days. Please find more information about the workshops at sliperiet.umu.se/en/and about FabLab on Facebook: / fablabumea.

The activity is run by volunteers, who help you to get started and support you while you are here. Thus, no prior knowledge is needed. Here, everyone over 16 is welcome to work with ideas and projects (we also welcome a younger audience in the company of responsible adults).

FabLab Umeå is part of an international network of local Fab labs, with the purpose to enable innovation locally by providing tools for digital manufacturing to wider groups of users.

Admisssion:  It is completely free to attend. Bring your own material or purchase on site.

Read more at: FabLab Umeå

Organiser: Sliperiet
Event type: Other