On May 3rd, EBRAINS are arranging a workshop for anyone interested in data sharing. The workshop will be on experiences from an imaging facility, providing data to the EBRAINS data-sharing platform. (Other events dealing with e.g. electrophysiology data will follow later on.)
We will hear from NatMEG –the Swedish National Facility for Magnetoencephalography and their views/experiences on structuring data to be provided to the EBRAINS research infrastructure, the bumps on this path, how to optimise the workflow and which are the foreseen benefits from this. This workshop will be offered as a hybrid event.
Agenda: 09:30 - Welcome and introduction 09:40 - EBRAINS data sharing platform, a FAIR data repository with atlas features 10:00 - Experiences providing data to EBRAINS data sharing platform 11:00 - Future of EBRAINS Sweden as a potential national infrastructure 12:00 - Lunch