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Digital VR kickoff for researchers in natural and engineering sciences

Time Thursday 16 March, 2023 at 12:00 - 13:00
Place Online, via Zoom

Do you want funding from the Swedish Research Council (VR)?

During this online seminar, you as a researcher in natural and engineering sciences will get an overview of VR's evaluation system and receive advice on how to strengthen your application. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions to expert evaluators in VR's review panels.

  • What makes an application interesting and credible from an evaluator's perspective?
  • How should a successful VR application be structured?
  • How can you increase your chances of getting your application approved?


  • Madeleine Ramstedt
    Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry
  • Magnus Andersson
    Associate Professor at the Department of Physics
  • Johanna Gardeström
    Coordinator at the Research Support and Collaboration Office

Do you want to participate?

Please register no later than March 16 at 10 AM, and we will send you a meeting link before the webinar.

The meeting will be held in English.


Event type: Seminar
Staff photo Magnus Andersson
Magnus Andersson
Read about Magnus Andersson
Staff photo Madeleine Ramstedt
Madeleine Ramstedt
Associate professor
Read about Madeleine Ramstedt
Johanna Gardeström
Read about Johanna Gardeström