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Christian Lundström Tjurhufvud - Economics

Time Friday 9 April, 2021 at 09:15 - 12:00
Place Hörsal A, Samhällsvetarhuset

Participate via zoom: https://umu.zoom.us/j/67519061764?pwd=bGJ1TmVqNHhDTHRwRWx1ak5uZEJjdz09

Passcode: 534240


Christian Lundström Tjurhufvud, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics is publicly defending his doctoral thesis with the title: On the Profitability of Momentum Strategies and Optimal Leverage Rules

Faculty Opponent: Professor Sami Vähämaa, School of Accounting and Finance, Finance, University of Vaasa, Finland


Event type: Defence of doctoral thesis