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CEDAR seminar - Emma Landby

Time Thursday 8 February, 2024 at 13:00 - 14:00
Place Fatmomakke NBET plan 4 / Zoom

Welcome to a CEDAR seminar with Emma Landby.

Mobilities of families with wheelchair-using children

Mobility can involve many barriers that make it challenging for individuals with disabilities to travel. When it is a child who has a disability, the whole family’s mobility practices can be affected by those barriers since families’ mobilities are often intertwined. My thesis focuses on mobilities of families with wheelchair-using children in Sweden. I use a time-geographical framework to elucidate which constraints that these families are encountering in mobility situations. The thesis is based on interviews, time-use diaries and a survey with parents of wheelchair-using children as study participants.
The findings show that these families face several constraints that affect how and where they can travel and that these constraints have consequences for other parts of their lives, such as parents’ employment. However, the families use different adaptation strategies to enable mobility and increase their geographical freedom. 

Emma Landby, Department of Geography Umeå university

All interested are welcome to participate in this seminar. This seminar is held at floor 4 NBET and online via Zoom. If you wish to participate via zoom contact Mojgan Padyab.

Event type: Seminar
Staff photo Emma Landby
Emma Landby
Postdoctoral fellow
Read about Emma Landby
Mojgan Padyab
Read about Mojgan Padyab