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Briefing about Formas Annual Open Call 2019

Time Wednesday 13 March, 2019 at 13:00 - 15:00
Place Hörsal B, The Social Sciences Building

Would you like to know more about Formas' Annual Open Call 2019?

  • Research and development projects
  • Research and development projects for future research leaders
  • Mobility grants

Grants Office and Formas will tell you all you need to know about the call and which aspects to consider when writing an application to Formas.


  • 13.00–13.10 Welcome
    Erika Sörensson, Grants Office
  • 13.10–14.10 Information about the Annual Open Call 2019
    Åsa Frisk, Formas
  • 14.10–14.40 Writing a successful application to Formas
    Jonatan Klaminder, EMG
    Hannele Tuominen, Umeå Plant Science Centre
  • 14.40–15.00 Q & A

N.B. The entire meeting will be held in English. 


Do you have any questions? 

Please contact Erika Sörensson at Grants Office, the External Relations Office
+ 46 90 786 63 61

Event type: Seminar
Erika Sörensson
Read about Erika Sörensson