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Beyond truth-conditions

Time Saturday 30 November until Sunday 1 December, 2019 at 09:30 - 15:45
Place Humanities building, HD108

The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies invites you to an open workshop in philosophy. The workshop theme is non-truth-conditional and social dimensions of speech and meaning.


Katharina Felka, University of Graz

Torfinn Huvenes, Umeå  University

Poppy Mankowitz, University of Salzburg

Eliot Michaelson, King’s College London

Ethan Nowak, King’s College London

Alex Sandgren, Umeå University

Bram Vaassen, Umeå University


All talks take place in HD108.


09:30-11:00     Torfinn Huvenes: Hedged, but not weak (joint work with Herman Cappelen)

11:00-11:15     Break

11:15-12:45     Poppy Mankowitz: Expressions in focus

12:45-14:15      Lunch

14:15-15:45      Ethan Nowak: Poetic injustice


09:30-11:00      Eliot Michaelson: Sincerity pluralized, and then moralized

11:00-11:15      Break

11:15-12:45      Alex Sandgren & Bram Vaassen: Therefore non-symmetry

12:45-14:15      Lunch

14:15-15:45      Katharina Felka: A deflationary account of expressing non-cognitive attitudes


Attendance is free and does not require registration, but please let Torfinn Huvenes, torfinn.huvenes@umu.se, know by noon on Monday (25/11) if you plan to attend and would like to have lunch on either Saturday or Sunday.


Ethan Nowak, King’s College London

Torfinn Huvenes, Umeå University

Event type: Workshop